New directions in postheroic entrepreneurship (Heftet)

narratives of gender and ethnicity

Serie: Advances in organization studies 25


Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2009
Antall sider: 165
Forlag: Universitetsforlaget
Språk: Engelsk
Serie: Advances in organization studies
Serienummer: 25
ISBN/EAN: 9788215015019
Kategori: Organisasjon og ledelse
Omtale New directions in postheroic entrepreneurship
This book critiques the mainstream, popular discourse on entrepreneurship, which traditionally constructs a heroic male, white archetypical entrepreneur. The author contends that the interlocking of gender and ethnicity needs to be included in the theorizing of entrepreneurship in order to acquire a more complete picture of what happens when people are involved in entrepreneurial activities. With references and index.

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