Contemporary South Korean capitalism (Heftet)

its workings and challenges


Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2010
Antall sider: 203
Forlag: Unipub forlag
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788274773820
Kategori: Statsvitenskap
Omtale Contemporary South Korean capitalism
This anthology deals with the current state of capitalist development in South Korea in its various aspects, from economic to psycho-social, and additionally the challenges South Korean capitalism presently faces. It presents research on South Korea's integration into the China-centric regional economy, the state of democratic development, foreign investment, and in companies with foreign ownership. Additionally, small businesses, South Koreans' self-perception, and militarism as a cornerstone of the South Korean statehood are covered.
This book outlines the current problems facing South Korean economy and society, and shows the trajectory this country is expected to follow in the future. Contemporary South Korean Capitalism is recommended to all those interested in Korean and, generally, North-East Asian regional studies, especially university students taking Korea-related courses.

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