Redesign your life av Gogga (Ebok)

Redesign your life (Ebok)

change your attitude - change your life


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2015
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 1.33 MB
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: EBN Selfpubl.
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788283280319
Kategori: Dokumentar og fakta
Omtale Redesign your life
As we go thru life, we all acquire our own living experience and knowledge. The author of this book decided to share with you her own experiences which helped her on her road towards self-fulfillment..
The book is an insightful guide on how to live your life, and how to overcome the obstacles in it. It also aims to teach you how to gain self-confidence and happiness, by changing how you think about life and yourself. By removing fear, we can start loving ourselves, which is the key ingredient to achieving happiness. Courage comes from confidence, and confidence comes from our self-love. When you have it, you can do anything.
The book also touches subjects like the importance of relaxation and the effect of meditation and prayer on the body, how to improve your relationships and become successful in life, and money as an intelligent force..
Change your attitude - change your life..
When you change yourself, you also change your environment..

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