The war against Saddam (Heftet)

taking the hard road to Baghdad


Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2003
Forlag: Macmillan
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9781405032650
Kategori: Politikk og samfunn
Omtale The war against Saddam
The book is not only an account of the recent war and its ongoing and unresolved consequences. It is also an account of the West's relationship with Iraq throughout the years that Simpson has reported on the country and on Saddam Hussein. Simpson fills in the background, from the early years of the last century to the present. He examines the period leading up to the first Gulf war, the war itself and its immediate aftermath. He describes the increasing tyranny of Saddam's regime in the years that followed the war, the reality of his weapons programme and why the UN weapon inspectors were allowed to return and what they discovered when they did. He shows how and why the threat from Iraq seemed to be increasing, and how and why the West went to war in March 2003.

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