Doing gender in flexible organizations (Heftet)


Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2007
Antall sider: 183
Forlag: Fagbokforlaget
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788245003871
Kategori: Sosiologi
Omtale Doing gender in flexible organizations
This book discusses how to understand and conceptualize gender in work organizations. It gives an overview of important contributions in the field. The discussions about whether women are the same as or different from men, have led to the construction of unitary categories which downplays variations between women and between men. The need is rather to focus on variation, complexity, change and stability in the field of gender and organization. The book develops a perspective, labelled Doing Gender in Organizations, in order to understand changes, as well as stability in the relationship between men and women in work organizations, and furthermore, to grasp the variations within the group women and within the group men. The book can be used in work and organization-courses. In addition it can be used in gender and organization- or gen-der and management-courses. Elin Kvande is dr.polit. and professor at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU.

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