Innvielse til læreryrket av Andreas Reier Jensen (Ebok)

Innvielse til læreryrket (Ebok)

en analyse av praksislæreres veiledningssamtaler


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2019
Kopibeskyttelse: Ingen DRM
Filstørrelse: 4.23 MB
Filformat: EPUB3
Forlag: NOASP
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202632533
Kategori: Pedagogikk
Omtale Innvielse til læreryrket
NB! hentet fra prosjektbeskrivelse, tidlig utkast:

This study investigates cooperating teachers' 'recontextualisation' of a 'pedagogical discourse' (Bernstein, 2000) in the pre-service teacher practicum. Throughout what is known as formal feedback conversations (FFC), cooperating teachers guide and control pre-service teachers to ensure that they hold sufficient skills and abilities to teach. My aim is to grasp both the aspects of 'how' and 'what', as well as 'social positioning' in the FFC. The empirical base consists of 17 cases of FFCs in five primary and secondary schools in southern Norway.

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