Leading sustainable change av Jan Sverre Amundsen (Ebok)

Leading sustainable change (Ebok)

a model based on key lessons learned from a career in change and transformation


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2021
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 6.67 MB
Filformat: EPUB3
Forlag: Gyldendal
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788205565616
Kategori: Organisasjon og ledelse
Omtale Leading sustainable change
This book gives insight into what is required from a leadership perspective to succeed with change. It presents a model that sets the direction towards lasting and sustainable change. Most organisations have a fantastic potential that can be unlocked by developing the way change is planned and executed.Change is a continuous effort. Organisations integrating change into their day-to-day operations, using the most professional and inclusive methods, are the most sustainable. The value of the change rests with its adoption and adoption is too often lacking. Active organisational change management is required to capture the benefits of any change initiative.NOTE: Please note that purchases from outside Norway have to be made from this website: Haugenbok.no

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