Project Earth av Anne-Lise Fleddum (Ebok)

Project Earth (Ebok)



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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2022
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 0.99 MB
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Kolofon
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Prosjekt Jorden
ISBN/EAN: 9788230024867
Kategori: Romaner , Romaner og Skjønnlitteratur
Omtale Project Earth
Twelve genetically engineered girls will soon turn eighteen. Unaware of who they are, they meet on a journey where they discover the truth about their past and the purpose of their future.

The executive director of GenTack, Viktor Weber, has had extra-terrestrial contact since childhood. After many years of hard work, he has managed to develop super genes. With selected parents from different countries, the super genes are incorporated, resulting in twelve unique girls. The parents have received huge sums of money to take part in the programme. The agreement is one meeting at incubation, one meeting at birth and one meeting with the girls when they turn eighteen. When the time approaches and all the girls are to meet in Singapore, there are many worried parents, but they dare not do anything but send the girls, because they are worried about the consequences if they do not come as agreed. The girls have been told that they will take part in a competition that will last a week. The truth is something else entirely, and it lies much deeper than Viktor could have imagined.

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