The Bible and astronomy (Heftet)

the magi and the star in the gospel


Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2002
Forlag: Solum
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Biblia és asztronómia
ISBN/EAN: 9788256013418
Kategori: Religion, historie og filosofi
Omtale The Bible and astronomy
Scientific research and religious revelation, the aim of both is to arrive at a knowledge of the whole of creation. How can the apparent contradiction between science and faith be resolved? What are the limits of scientific research? And where does religious faith begin? Can one come to an understanding of the meaning and usages of the ancient prophets which is equal to our understanding of the language of mathematics? This book is meant for people who are looking for satisfying and reassuring answers to these questions. In this quest the magi from the East can help us, those who, 2000 years ago, overcoming all difficulties him for whom where looking in Bethlehem. With index.

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