Using the Texas Instruments BA II Plus (Heftet)

Including practical examples for students at BI


Adrian Peretz (Oversetter)

Innbinding: Heftet
Utgivelsesår: 2007
Antall sider: 80
Forlag: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Slik bruker du eksamenskalkulatoren Texas Instruments BA II Plus
Oversatt av: Peretz, Adrian
ISBN/EAN: 9788202281489
Kategori: Økonomi og ledelse og Matematikk
Fag: Matematikk og statistikk
Nivå: Akademisk
Omtale Using the Texas Instruments BA II Plus

This book provides a clear and concise guide to using the TI BA II Plus calculator for solving problems in mathematics, statistics, finance, and economics,and is a valuable aid for exams where “advanced calculator” is permitted.

It is relevant for all Bachelor students and the majority of Masters students at The Norwegian School of Management BI. The calculator uses two different methods of calculating – and it is vital that the user knows when and how to select the appropriate method. Where applicable, the examples provided in the book are shown using both methods of calculation.

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